
Unlocking Opportunities: STEM Next Opportunity Fund

Through the Million Girls Moonshot initiative, STEM Next Opportunity Fund has provided invaluable support to Learn Fresh, propelling our mission to make STEM learning engaging and accessible, particularly within after school environments.

In 2023, with the generous grant from STEM Next Opportunity Fund, Learn Fresh embarked on a journey to enhance afterschool STEM education across the United States. By the end of November 2023, our team had the privilege of presenting at state afterschool conferences in Alaska, Colorado, Utah, Missouri, Hawaii, Iowa, and Florida. Additionally, we seized every opportunity to engage with states lacking statewide conferences, utilizing platforms like school year professional developments, newsletters, and partnerships with prominent out-of-school time organizations.

Looking forward to 2024, Learn Fresh is committed to building on the momentum generated by our collaboration with STEM Next Opportunity Fund. We are excited to continue our participation in state afterschool network conferences, where we will showcase our flagship programs such as NBA Math Hoops and MLB Players STEM League. This year, we aim to extend our reach to states like California, Montana, Virginia, and Indiana, ensuring that more young learners have access to high-quality STEM education opportunities.

Our partnership with STEM Next Opportunity Fund exemplifies the transformative potential of collaborative philanthropy. As we embark on this journey into 2024, Learn Fresh extends heartfelt gratitude to STEM Next Opportunity Fund for their unwavering support and dedication to empowering the next generation of STEM leaders. With their continued partnership, we are confident that we can make an even greater impact on afterschool STEM education nationwide.